Wednesday, December 16, 2009

:: my mind is about to burst ::

have been feeling unwell for days, probably weeks. headache. then i was sick. really. with fever and all.

then i was alone. felt lonely. and then the decision to be alone.

away from someone i thought was right.

not that he is not good. just that, we were not meant for each other.

nothing unhappy. really.

he is a carefree person. he lives a life of clubs and gym and partying and nights.

not me. i am a student who loves all these. but i'm not entitled to them.

i have my mother to think of. i can be living by myself. i don't have the financial support.

i can't afford the luxury styles.

we shall be good friends. really. better than before.

and we'll be happier.

but i think i still need... some love...

its W's birthday today...

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