Monday, April 6, 2009

:: The Happy! Party 2009 ::

a rainbow birthday!

Jon . Zac . Ju
Bday babies for April..

I am really Happy its over!
A BIG Thank You to all my friends who took the time out
to accompany me for the one evening
It was fun for me! Was really happy with the chit chats
wild games, food and photo takings...
thanks for the wonderful gifts as well
really.. your presence was what made my day complete!

I promise myself
i shall keep celebrating my birthday each year
plan for them myself with my friends.
from now.. i will no longer have such big parties
coz i tink too big v hard to connect to everyone..
but i will still have the parties.. no worries..
in fact..
i've somehow have plans for next year's party le!
Yup.. at least 2 different events for 2 groups le..
more atas than ever..
the BEST way to thank all my friends!!! YOU!!

i have loads to say, but for now..
i shall let the pictures do the talking.. look at these!!

3238/NTU/Badminton group..
the chestnuts

wat's left of my pj clan..
weilun.zac.chinhuatntu epiphany08/09 . revelations rock
epiphany best dresses . michelle fun who stays on happy avenue!
3238 best dressed . ker hang

More pictures all uploaded on Facebook..
look out in your postal mailbox for more surprises!!
see u all sooooon!!!

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