Saturday, November 17, 2007


being a 战备学生 is not easy.

you need ur supplies.

the nights burnt.
the planning of when to sleep and the discipline to wake up.
the hot baths u need to take to keep yourself awake.
the times when u juz can't go home coz u noe at home u will onli sleep (mayb onli me).
the events u will miss seeing special people.
the food u will miss(coz the canteen nearest u is the onli place u will go).
the news that u will never noe coz u r lazy to read newspaper / no time to watch tv.
the unhealthy lifestyle u will lead (coz i feed literally on junk food to keep me going.)
the amount of caffeine that might kill(altho after drinking coffee i'll still sleep).
the radioactive waves going thru the brain(coz music keeps me going..)
the endless battle with z-monster.
and many many many more.

aniwaez.. this is my bag of "energy".. haha.. seaweed.. chips.. pi pa mi.. greentea.. my fridge full of chocolate, cold water, soya milk, fresh milk.. motivations!

and these are my little notes.. I know its to late to be writing them..

argh! i promise i'll work hard in future n not do last minute things.. and also, most importantly, I HOPE TO JUZ NEED TO REFER TO THEM IN FUTURE, NO NEED TO BE STUDYING THEM (again..)!!!

jia you.. the final 7 days to the END!

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