Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1 down, 4 more to go!

FE1006 Mathematics 1: estimated marks I'll get = less than 35

Its over. I shall not dig my head and bury myself in regret.

HE191 Principles of Economics at 5pm later. I really hope I am well prepared and can do well later.

The exam hall gets colder by the minute. For 2.5 hour in my life i was thinking purely of the questions and how to attempt it. That didn't even happen during A levels. I thought it was long, but it seems not long enough. Stepping out of the hall, I thought I was the only one who tot it was tough, seems there are many alike. Now i understand why the GPA system is like tt.. Because at university level, there is no clear distinction of the marks and grade range. It juz a competition to see whos better and who is the one anchoring the bottom. I know i did badly, but the vicious me juz hopes many others do worse than me.. Lolx..

I shall go and study econs..

Wish me luck!


-4.10pm: I'm going for my econs paper NOW! wish me luck.. hehe..


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