Wednesday, October 15, 2008

:: caffeinated ::

I know tis picture doesn't say much, at most, its a bad picture. The focal point i want to bring across is that, look, this is Tanglin Mall. And at the centre was what used to be mcdonald's. Guess what. Its been taken over by (yet another) starbucks. Is singapore really getting over caffeinated? Which shopping mall in orchard area does not have a coffee joint? Starbucks, coffeebean, pacific coffee, spinelli, gloria jeans, coffee club... Vivo city and its vicinity has almost everyone of the above. Suntec city worst, 5 starbucks in one big mall. Oh my god. Even Raffles city has 2 star bucks, not to mention spinelli. Gloria jeans. Pacific.. Wow. Did you know, singapore has the most starbucks in SEA? Out of 84 outlets, 67 are in singapore. And with the recent debacle with the water pit well issue.. Hmm.. Singapore needs environment saving efforts.. Save environment and waste precious water? Hmm... Anyway, back to the coffee issue. Do we really need so many coffee places? To sit and rest or get caffeinated? On a side note, tea is much healthier. Really. It contains less calories (even compared to black unsweetened coffee), High in antioxident, and definitely a healthy and budget drink for anytime. And come on, tink of this, how often do u drink coffee at the joints? Most go for frappe or ice blended right? Think twice before u enter a coffee joint the next time for a coffee. Yes. It might be sinful..

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