Thursday, February 8, 2007

shopping spree again..

New year coming worx.. busy busy ah..!!

I find that i have been both very fickle minded as well as forgetful these days.. so worrying.. and not forgetting my sudden bouts of "dazes".. really scary lor.. These 2 days i have been "xian ru yi du kong jian" again, not knowing wat has happened. and presumably during these periods of time i do some really weird things that i completely do not noe what i did or am doing.

but back to the ficklemindedness and forgetfulness.. here are two case in points:

fickleminded: I was surfinf the web these days in a lookout for cheap bargains of new year clothes and am especially looking in online got any abercrombie clothes that i am interested in, or a certain nice imitation ed hardy cap or even a nice Bape tee or hoodie.. but i juz can't make up my mind on wat i want! i want this today, then i decide to bid for it on the auction site tmr.. then tmr i come and see then i dun want le.. then i go shopping at orchard and marina today, then i see one thing i like, but decide to compare with some other ting, then in the end all dun want.. haiz~ i really dunno wat i want, maybe its because i'm thrifty and dun want or dun have so much money to spent.. but now i'm tied on wat to wear for new year this year.. haha.. i still wana buy more.. i got enuf new shirts to wear from 1st to 15th day of new year le lo.. wahaha.. now i'm tied between buying this purple shirt of similar designs from ($80.90) or Zara ($59.90).. how.. num got the words on the chest, zara dun have.. which one more worth huh..

forgetful: i was supposed to do a whole list of things but instead i slept through most of the time..was suppose to creat song list for Huiting's 21st birthday, but until now haven't got down to it. was suppose to save money for some people's bday presents and vday presents.. but forgot, now in financial crisis.. was suppose to add my cousin Carolyn to my friendster, but forgot, till she reminded me.. was suppose to attend lessons at TheatreWorks, but forgot, end up missing several lessons, now kena.. haiz~

hope situations will improve in the few days to come, and that i will not waste too much time le.. no time liao no time liao.. new year and v-day coming.. muz ba wo shi jian.. hope i will continue to enjoy shopping this few days, though budget very the tiight la..

got anyone wana pei me shopping can juz call me anytime ya.. vivo tmr, bugis on sat and bishan on sun... anyone??

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