Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Surprise Visit

Multi-literary forms writer ng yi-Sheng, famed from his poetry collection Last Boy, non-fiction anthology SQ21, playwright of 251 and other plays, freelance writer for Fridae, came to NTU today to join us for Nanyang literary festival, organised by Epiphany english n drama society.

And he gave a stunning poetry slam performance, reading from his collection of poems in Last Boy.

He read with passion, enthusiasm, burning rigour.

My! If only i had his courage to being who i really am. I applaud these people who dare to stand out and be who they are.

Side track: why are the rich people getting the good education, excelling in it, getting the good scholarship, going overseas, returning, completing their bonds or not, before returning to who they are as a learned young person, ready to take on the world. Why is life to unfair?

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