Tuesday, July 28, 2009

:: sick is no fun - Day 2 ::

Right.. so day two was suppose to be depressing as hell
and my nose,
by now,
has become red, swollen, and constantly dripping mucus.
i practically can't feel my nose
majiam its dropped off, like MJ..
the tickling sensation...
there it goes again while i'm typing..
and again.. argh!

i need a box/packet of tissue wherever i walk
around the house.. oh man!

my fever spiked to a high earlier in the day
38.4 degrees today..
still considered mild i guess as compared to yesterday's 39..
but after popping the pills
my temp fell to normal range..
and the bad bad sinus/flu started kicking in..
have been sneezing non stop the whole day
still feeling chilly throughout the day
but at least i'm perspiring when the fan is not on..
but if i on the fan..
i'll start sneezing and the cold kicks in..

was lying on the bed the whole day
still did not manage to do any work until now..
feeling lethargic and sleepy the whole afternoon
but can't manage to sleep.
kept playing on my phone..

and sneezing..
3 repetitive sneezes..
4 repetitive sneezes..
and during the evening when i was watching TV..
the ultimate 9 continuous sneezes with no pause in between kicked in!
my nose almost fell out really..

i even nose bled at least 3 times.. can't remember..
prolly due to my intensive sneezing..
and i coughed out blood filled phlegm around twice today..


i really guess its H1N1..
but it could possibly be dengue fever too..
well well..

bless me..

damn, my computer screen is filled with my sneezing output!!

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