Thursday, June 3, 2010

:: 执着 ::


saw some people insisting that their creativity are being restricted by others
and that if others have a say in their work
it is no longer their work

think of it
in a workplace
someone gives you some autonomy to create a piece
then after that, they give critical comments and hope that you change..
you will have to make amendments right?
you can't insist that your creativity has been forsaken
and that the amended work is totally not my idea
forgoing the fact that the main creation was pretty much yours, eh?

in life
we should really take a step back
if you really have great ideas and are really perfect
then you will have the right to ask the other to shut up

but creativity and art is intrinsic
the value of it varies from person to person
and what you think is perfect might not actually be

look at it this way
if you are an artist and have created a masterpiece
and people say its good, then good, sell it or keep it
for all it values

but if people say they dun like it
ok, accept the fact that some people dun like your work
there might be people who appreciate it
there might be people who dun
you can't force it upon others, eh?

school assignments n results varies
and especially in humanities n arts
there is no perfection
some people might like your creation
theres a set of rules
seeing from some technical viewpoints
thats why your scored in that technicality

dun assume that you are fabulous every time once you get A once
i have come to accept the fact..

why persist? does it make you happy?

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