1. I never make any resolutions if u realise. Coz i don't know how it works.
2. If resolutions are just a list of things i want to resolve and will work towards it, then maybe i shall start one.
3. Its not too late to start having New Year's resolutions's eh? Since its January and Lunar New Year isn't exactly here yet.
4. Oh, times flies. Guess what. This sem is (finally) (frightfully) coming to an end and tt means its assignments galore..
5. That brings me to my first resolution.. no matter what happens this semester, the next acad year i've got to wake up my idea. Pull up my GPA! 3.5... puleeez....
6. Diet.. always saying, never doing.. will start.. today!
7. Exercise and generate a lova and habit for it. Will start.. have to start..
8. Stop spending like theres no tomorrow.. set aside $XX each month into savings.. a little goes a long way.. i hope.
9. Love one person and stick to it, or don't love at all. You dun deserve love if you do not know how to love. (tt said, i'm kinda stuck in some kind of... hmm.. )
10. Be true to yourself and the people around you!
11. Start planning for a little piece of sky of your own. Get the fashion blog rolling.. sooooon!!!
12. Ensure I work towards goals and do well in designs.!!
13. PureWIZ is a project in long term planning. My biggest resolution, kick start this! and then...
14. Get my multi-concept in one going.. blog+own label+publishing... oh my... this will be a 5 years work plan/resolution..
15. Get everything off my mind and start working, realistically!