Wednesday, March 25, 2009

:: when I was 17... ::

Did I form friendship and bonds so fast?

Looking at my OG for sports camp, I can't help but feel old.

For one, I'm not able to be so energetic. Pubescent, growing, eager, enthusiastic.
I wish I can be.
I tried, I think, I hope.

But more importantly, I am amazed by the strong bonds they have former, even in just the first 2 days. The friendship, the spirit, is admirable.

Because at that age, we do not so much see the complexities of life. More often than not, friends were the ones you talk to, to share your life with. And at tt age, as long as you can talk, no matter the topic, you will find immediate relations. Afterall, you do not actually know tt much things to have diverse opinions.

The girls have bonded by night one, even sitting on each others lap, discussing the guys..

The guys on the other hand, have formed cliques. They are good friends, with certain similar passions in certain activities, hitting the right freq.


A fee years down, at my age, we start to stick to our old cliques. Well well. When making new friends, we are often biased, have our own list of expectations. We start to judge people, often biased. We always suspect if this "friend" is close to us if for some reasons.

It is difficult. Blame it in the society.

How I wish I can really be like them. Used to think their conversations were childish. On second thoughts, I think it is innocence. Something I've lost and yearn to gain back again. Something I'm jealous they have.

I really hope to gain back my youth, my vibrance, forging ties with these youngsters.

I tried, I try, trying...

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