Thursday, December 31, 2009

:: last post of 2009 ::

As we enter a new decade is less than 2 hours, here I shall post my very last post at Marina Bay floating platform as I celebrate the arrival of 2010 n bid goodbye to a wonderful 2009 with thousands of fellow Singaporeans..

2009 has been for me, a year of challenges and new surprises..

1. I left NTU for a short leave.. (I'll be back! I hope..)

2. I started poly life a bit later than everyone my age, but still.. It's an experience.

3. I climbed up high at NTU vertical marathon.

4. I ran.. A lot!

5. iPhone!! Haha!

6. I spent a lot!! Not a good thing. Bad bad actually.. I'll try to save.

7. Love is a tricky thing. I got lost. Found. Lost? Not sure. But I felt something special. Went up n down a roller coaster ride. Wild! Not sure my current status. But I do hope to find my way back into love :)

8. Had the tied of my party series. Blast!!!

9. Made many many new friends. And out to do loadsa volunteer work.

10. Trip to Vietnam for YEP with the cool peeps from HMS. An experience I cannot forget!!

11. Party like no other. P, Jeremy, Ben n all u guts.. Rocks!!

12. Started my fashion blog!! Yay!! And.. Kicked off designing our own label.. Look out!

Looking forward to an awesome year ahead doing much much more. Really..

Things I hope to achieve in the new year..

1. Achieve better score.. Much better. And venture into businesses for design.

2. Be a notable fashion blogger. Up my fash sense.

3. Hope Fashionisiac will be successful n more ventures and opportunities..

4. Purewiz will kick off real well n b a cool indie brand!!

5. I will get recognised for my work n leadership in school. Hope to be part of the club! :)

6. Make more cool friends!

7. Spend within limits.. Really. Stop frivolous spending..

8. Love love love ;) long love!!

9. Have a blast at a great great party!

10. Be a good mature boy/man with a positive attitude and out to achieve everything I can!! Love myself!!

11. Be who I really am!

12. Be healthy, my, my family, and all my friends.

Lastly...peace n happiness for all..

Have a great new year and a blast for everyone in 2010!!

Happy New Year!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

:: luxury ::

I am not atas..
i'm a struggling poor brat who dreams of a life drowned in luxury
the post christmas sale didn't work out
the clothes are either ugly or that i can't afford
what sales is that.. bleah..

mixing with friends who dresses to kill
or dress to kill me and my faint heart
adorned to the nines
with the most premium
and lovely looking haute couture
which, unfortunately,
i can't afford.. sad..

i decided i shall not match them
because it is almost impossible
with my current occupation (zero income student)
maybe, maybe in the future..
i shall not give the impression that i am rich
because i am not
i shall not waste money
i shall have more practical aims
like.. loosing weight

and so it shall be
i shall start loosing weight
and make myself look good
n ot necessarily in branded stuffs
if i slim down.. like.. alot..
i guess i will look good in just about anything
and i would look like i'm dressed in
all luxury items
when its me which shines.. yes..

no more useless new year resolutions that i can never resolve
i shall make promises to myself
and targets
which are really achievable..

for a better (if not the best year in my life) 2010!

Monday, December 28, 2009

:: 东运会总结—新加坡健儿凯旋归来•女飞鱼成吸金女王 ::

第二十五届东南亚运动会在寮国完美落幕,新加坡团队(Team Singapore)凯旋归来,猛夺33面金牌,30面银牌和35面铜牌。团队也在运动会上刷新多个记录,尤其是游泳方面,就包下了6个接力赛中的5面金牌,全也都创下新赛会记录。
waterpolo.jpg waterpolo1.jpg
tabletennis.jpg tabletennis1.jpg
柯婷文+陶李 扬威东运会泳池
quahtingwen.jpg taoli1.jpg
menrelay.jpg jameswong.jpg

:: Zettai Kareshi Special ::

I wanted to post a voice log of my emotions
immediately after i rewatched the ending of Zettai Kareshi Special
its my 3rd or 4th time watching le
but i still cried
and was in no mood of typing out my emotions
hence i did a voice log on my trusted iPhone (aka Matthias)

i was crying
i cried until nobody's business
i cried till my eyes were swollen and my lower eyelid hurt
i wept like i never wept before
maybe less than the first time i watched..
its touching
no word can explain
you should watch it yourself

i dun cry easily
i didn't cry as much when i failed my exams
i never even cry like tt when my best friend died (though i did cry.. )
i have never let a single tear drop each time i broke up with my girl/boy friend(s)

it is touching
the show and its magic
when Night (nai-to-kun) told her that he is leaving and to be gone for good
to be demolished
and that is because he understood
as a robot, that he can't grow old with her and
his only mission was to love her
and that she deserved someone better..
that was the magic
when he departed
and asked her to turn away
all my hair stood
pulses spread through my body
and tear starting accumulating
and rolling..

read this to know more about the story...

:: OVB _ Beauty and the Beast 《美女与野兽》:颠覆传统 巅疯庆圣诞 ::

图:W!ld Rice剧团
      传统的童话故事,往往都是英雄救美,白马王子拯救受难的美丽公主。但编剧Alfian Sa’at偏选择了《美女与野兽》非传统的概念,再把他搞乱,以全新搞笑夸张的手法,呈献给大家一部适合全家大小收看的音乐剧。
    这一部《美女与野兽》是W!ldrice剧团年度欢乐音乐剧,由去年大受欢迎的Snow White《白雪公主》原班人马再度出击,把大家熟悉的童话故事大闹一番,带给大家两个半小时的欢笑之余,也传达重要的讯息给小朋友们。
      由本地电视与喜剧明星Hossan Leong导演的《美》,连续《白》的风格,动作夸张,大用舞台灯光与特效,这次也加入了更多的互动,让观众参与故事其中。
      W!ld Rice剧团这次的《美》讲述一名富有的年轻男子(国际舞台巨星R J Rosales饰)与他家人,在多年前的一个生日聚会上,被一位女魔下了毒咒,全部都变成了家中的家具物品,而该名男子则变成了巨大的怪兽。男子原本是个 温顺的男子,变成野兽后,因为无法接受,而变的脾气暴躁,自卑心作祟。唯一能解除魔咒的方法,就是得到一位真心爱自己的美女的吻。
      另一个镇上,则住着一位富有爱心的美女(Emma Yong饰)。她家虽然有钱,但她不贪心,不像她那两位总是欺负她的姐姐(由蔡恩莱和Darius Tan反串演出)。一天,她们爸爸要到镇外去办事,姐姐们都要求爸爸帮她们买名牌物品,美女却只希望爸爸能为她找回一颗美丽的玫瑰花,而最重要的是爸爸能 平安的回来。
      故事后续发展精彩有趣,除了原著提到的素材,剧中更出现了一般懂得武功的混混,是女魔的儿子的帮派,被派来扰乱一切,不让美女爱上那野兽王子。故事高潮迭 起,当中除了由浪漫爱情之外,还有精彩武打场面,更是有教育意义,提醒小朋友和大朋友不要乱摘路边的花草和要爱惜动物。
      音乐总监Elaine Chan创作出非常不错的歌曲,但慢歌胜过与快歌,让人留下较深刻的印象。服装设计方面,五彩缤纷,配合近乎完美的卡通般舞台设计,让整个演出活灵活现,有如在童话故事中。

:: 开心就好 ::

Love is a vicious cycle.. (Jasen Tay said)
And i can't agree more..
You fall in love.
you quarrell..
he betrays you..
you forgive..
he continues..
you hate him..
for awhile..
and you love him again..
and soon, the passionate kisses are gone..
it becomes boring.
you fall out of love, with him..
and you crave for more love..
and you want more..
then you love, again..

my relationships in the past few years are really interesting
from friends
to very good friends..
to a sudden feeling for one another
love love love
then he loves me like crazy
and i love him like theres no tomorrow..
then it forms and drops into a routine
there is love, but it seems normal
like married couples after years..

then another friend appears
and i think its interesting
i see the current relationship going nowhere
so.. i skip and hop boat
bad bad..
but the "ex" dun really seem to get angry
weird, i might think
but i'm glad it didn't turn into something ugly (twice, in fact)

back to square one.
i'm in love, again..
some passion..
same passion? i don't know.
but i know we will love each other for a while more
though i hope it will be for long..

to my dearie..
sorry if i hurt you
i've learnt
to treasure you
thank you for being who you are
and for sharing your heart and love with me
thank you for not digging into the past
and willingness to accept me again
i thank you for who you are
and our love.. :)

i know i am a bad bad boy
but thank you for wanting me
maybe these unexplainable things
is what we call.. love...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

:: <<寂寞,好了>> ::

想大声 的呐喊 

你冷淡 你让分手 就这样 

一年过了 还是一天 

夜深了 我怎么办 
寂寞了 谁在身旁 
想她 念她 恨她 

一个人 你害怕吗 
细数过 漫天星光 
多假 多假 多假 
心放空了 寂寞好了 

我脆弱 情人节开始失常 
别人庆祝 我却很失落 

秋天过了 冬天漫长 

夜深了 我怎么办 
寂寞了 谁在身旁 
想她 念她 恨她 

一个人 你害怕吗 
多假 多假 多假 
心放空了 寂寞好了 

寂寞 感冒 全都可以好的 
爱多甜 伤多痛 都释放 

夜深了 我 怎么办 
寂寞了 谁在身旁 
想她 念她 恨她  

一个人 你 害怕吗  
细数过 漫天 星光  
多假 多假 多假  
心 放空了  
寂寞 好了
Totally totally dig this song. can liten to it over and over and over and over and over and over again..
last check on iTunes.. listened for 259 times le.. Hahaha!
Evan rocks! 

Monday, December 21, 2009

:: 寂寞,好了 ::

Here's singing to you my favourite song.. from Evan Yo 《寂寞,好了》
And with this, wishing you a Merry Christmas!

:: 孤单的很需要另一个同类 ::


Sunday, December 20, 2009

:: love n addictions ::

i find it weird
but its true..
and you get addicted and loving the thing that your lover likes/loves

like how i loved Domo when i was together with W
and his insane love for it
and Lego figurines
and running and gymming
and many other things
they all turned into an addiction

and when i was with P for the short period of time
i fell in love with starbucks
because of his addiction to it
and i started picking up his expansive taste
in a bid to be like him
following him
being so very into quirky fashion

and i remember when i was with vinc
we often when to get drinks and cakes
that we both love so much

well well...
i need to develop a thinking of my own
maybe, just maybe..
influence tohers to love what i love..

now.. what do i really like/love myself???

Thursday, December 17, 2009

:: responsibilities ::

I've reach a stage that i feel i need to take responsibilities. but before that..
i need opportunities. really. i need the chance to make the money.
i'm in dire need.

i started teaching tuition.. teaching an AT English. and yes, the lesson was conducted in mandarin.
luckily i learned translation, and new the simple terms like verbs, nouns, grammar, vocabulary, passive and active voices in chinese. it was tough, but I hope i am able to manage, and i'm of help.

i secretly enjoy teaching.
so maybe the teaching track really is what I am suppose to do..
another round.. maybe in the future.

my bills are piling up and i can't run away from them anymore
i'm too much a spendthrift and its time i woke up
and earned my own money..
i'm already a 23 year old and i can't keep depending on my mum
maybe a little
but i hope to be more financially independent in the near future.

on a separate note
i realise i'm really not good as i think i am
and its sort of a wake up call
to work harder and not keep thinking i am excellent
i shall create space for improvements in terms of my work
or shall i say there's loads to be improved
gotta keep working on it..

in Singapore
cash is really important
as well as action
all talk no action is a nono..
i have got a million ideas and thoughts
but easier said than done
i believe,
even if i'm wrong, did something incorrectly
i should be humble
and make the necessarily changes
and be more lenient to other like how i wish others to be upon me
accept others comments and keep improving
no one is right forever
keep an active mind and
enjoy every step i take in life

i shall reflect more
and improve more
and be more responsible for my every action
i'll really try

any body has brothers/sisters/nieces/nephews/friends who need tuition>?
or sponsor to help my dream of setting up my own music studio?
or help start off my own magazine?
or to emply me as a singer..
or..... or.... or....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

:: my mind is about to burst ::

have been feeling unwell for days, probably weeks. headache. then i was sick. really. with fever and all.

then i was alone. felt lonely. and then the decision to be alone.

away from someone i thought was right.

not that he is not good. just that, we were not meant for each other.

nothing unhappy. really.

he is a carefree person. he lives a life of clubs and gym and partying and nights.

not me. i am a student who loves all these. but i'm not entitled to them.

i have my mother to think of. i can be living by myself. i don't have the financial support.

i can't afford the luxury styles.

we shall be good friends. really. better than before.

and we'll be happier.

but i think i still need... some love...

its W's birthday today...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

:: one end ::

One end spells the start of another story
I don't feel down.
I feel happy.
Because I have experienced it before.
And I have no regret.
At least I know this person.
And that we are not meant for each other.
Adapting is tough.
We were good friends.
We will be even better friends now.
We've seen too much of each other.
ANd to treasure one another as friends. Solemates. BFFs.
Just not as lovers.
Maybe another type of love we share.

Be happy:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

:: anniversary ::

As part of World Aids Day events, Action for Aids held two exclusive screenings of this special short film commisioned by them, directed by Royston Tan and written by Alfian Sa'at, starring Shane Mardjuki, Jae Leung and Kelvin Ong.

The story goes like this..

Wai Kit (Kelvin Ong), a 23-year-old undergrad living with Justin (Shane Mardjuki), his 27-year-old boyfriend, are about to celebrate their first anniversary together. Justin makes a suggestion as to how to celebrate their first anniversary but was met with a luke warm response from Wai Kit.
Following a call from Jimmy (Jae Leung), Wai Kit wants to move out of Justin's house, leaving Justin wondering what has gone wrong between them.

"Anniversary" is a story of love, of what trust mean and the need to find out the truth. "Anniversary" will touch your heart and remain in your mind long after viewing.

The exclusive screening was held yesterday to two full house crowds at Sinema. Issues raised includes how to pass on the safe sex message and getting tested, and avoiding drugs and group fun, all these messages over to the younger crowd. The short film, unfortunately, got a R21 rating and hence was limited to a more mature crowd. How then, can there be less in-your-face method to bring it to the younger gays in society who might be falling victims into it?

Hope that there will be more screening of this film, both from artistic point of view and advocacy, to show this wonderful show to touch people, as well as subtlely spread the message.

(I was tricked to attend the event because I did not know, no where from the site, that this was a AfA Aids event. I went just based on the fact tt it was a royston tan short film. Damn, i should have done more research.)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

:: high life ::

There are things in life which are influential. It makes who you are, how you live, and how others perceive you.

There's the brands that make out who you are.
There's the places you go which defines you.
There are things you own which decides the place you stand in society.
There are the photographs and people around which say whether you are a who's who in town.

There's the high life.

There are the fashionistas.

I thought it would have suited me.
With an "elite" bunch of friends who's all out there, dressed to be seen, meeting people who blow air kisses around and what's not. The posh nosh.

Well. Been there done that. And sadly, currently, I'm not that, and probably don't wish to be.

I can't afford.
I'm not a filthy rich kid who only lives on threads by Adidas originals and Armani Exchange. I can't seem to dream of being in a tank top costing a whopping $189 to do my workouts. I tried. I really did. I'm exhausted. My pockets exhausted.

Reality check. Done.

Marc Jacobs? No
Emporio Armani? No.
Dior? No.
Dolce n Gabbana? No.
Y-3? No.
Louis Vuitton? No.
Gucci? No.
Prada? No.

Labels don't make the man. Really. If I really need to look expansive to look good, I'd rather not look good. I just need down to earth friends around me who accept me fir who I am.


I think affordable garbs can make you look good too.

Good looks are based on perceptions. It's either we persist on living by these perceptions, or we live our own lives.

Drinking n clubbing? Cool? Maybe once in a while. It's not something cheap. The entry, the clothes you need to be in. The partying. The late night cab fare. I should just trounce it.


Thinking through life and it's ultimate meaning to me. Do I really need to fit into society's conventions to be accepted, to be "cool", to be mister popular? Why do I even need that? Forget about it.

It's time I lived a life. O F M Y O W N.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, December 11, 2009

:: OVB _ 谢霆锋《最后》成熟多了 惊喜少了 ::


:: OVB _ 《神灵狩 Ghost Hound》高素质音效 挑战心理极限 ::

在 距离电脑发达前,在那个被称为现世的世界中仍然残留日本的原始风景。在一个偏远的小城市,古森太郎、大神信、中岛匡幸这三个中学生都有着自己无法忘记的过 去。于是,三人出于不同的理由,他们的魂魄由现世来到了幽世。在那里冒险的三人渐渐知道了很多自己并不愿意去了解的秘密……

2007年秋季于日本播出的《神灵狩-Ghost Hound》, 是士郎正宗与Production I.G公司一起合作的,继《威尔贝鲁物语》后的第二部片子,也是为了纪念Production I.G公司成立20周年的庆祝活动中的一环。
从大阪艺术大学美术学部油画专业毕业的士郎正宗,因《苹果核战记》、《攻壳机动队》等作品而名闻遐迩。目前已经有很多人表示,冲着士郎正宗的旗号,也一定会收看这部《神灵狩- Ghost Hound》的。

部分迷离、部分心理挑逗的Ghost Hound,当中也参杂了一点超自然的元素,题材新颖有趣。故事诉说有理,全剧成功的激发观众的情绪,既兴奋有紧张,唯独结局处理不当,让人感觉有点怪怪的哀伤。
《神灵狩-Ghost Hound》或许因为不恰当的结局,而被批为具瑕疵的一刻宝。但剧集的大半部可看性非常高,就可惜没把故事完整交代。
这是一部值得看的剧集,但你要有一定的耐性才能完整欣赏。若你不介意被一级音效困在充满悬疑的世界里,就来让《神灵狩-Ghost Hound》挑战心理能耐极限吧!

:: OVB _ 水球·猛男·东运会不败的记录 ::

说到新加坡的体坛,大家或许认为表现最杰出的体育项目不过就是乒乓球和游泳那两项。其实,新加坡有个体育项目,成绩骄人,曾有过22次不败的记录。这就是水球(Water Polo)。

新传媒5频道不久前开始播映全新立志偶像剧《水球男孩》(Polo Boys),掀起一股少见的水球热,再加上东南亚运动会(SEA Games)即将开战,大家都把焦点放在帅气英勇的水球猛男上。
每场水球赛都是在较深的游泳池中举行,池深至少1.8米。两边的球门宽2米,高90厘米。泳池大小分男女赛事,男子比赛泳池是30米X 20米,女子比赛泳池则是25米X 20米。
国家男子水球队现任队长罗南(Luo Nan)

国家男子水球队队员叶仁凯(Yip Ren Kai)


国家男子水球队队员 林耀祥 (Lim Yao Xiang)

《水球男孩》剧中唯一水球员 林建辉 (Kiwi Lim)



:: OVB _ 陈奕迅最新专辑《上五楼的快活》 review ::

续去年的畅销大碟《不想放手》收录一系列温情牌情歌后,《上五楼的快活》主要以中慢版情歌为主,收录一系列easy listening的歌曲,K歌指数消退。
专辑最令人惊喜的,应该是两手非华语歌曲。Eason唱英语歌曲已不是第一朝了,但《Nothing Ever Happened》感动满分,林伟哲的曲简单,林嘉欣的词加上了彩色。

:: OVB _ 潘裕文:梦幻的思想家 review ::




   首先,Peter Pan的唱腔独特,干净而梦幻,轻柔却也带劲,辨识度相当的高。制作人就利用了他那把温柔的嗓子,选手了十首潘式情歌,配合简约的背景音乐,衬托出潘裕文的歌声。
首 播主打《最想做的事》轻轻柔柔的,大打温暖牌。但危险就在于高音部分有点太过像林志炫。简单旋律却拥有饱满的温情,相信是情侣们的首选温馨歌曲。与徐宛铃 合唱的《幸福的时光》可圈可点,两个梦幻的声音应该是完美的配合,可惜听不出什么火花,幸福不到家。十首词都出自姚若龙之手,但配合不同的曲,歌词的意境 大不相同。《小甜甜》甜而不腻,《近在眼前》却看不到,却听出潘裕文标高音表的有点吃力。

Friday, December 4, 2009

:: 专心 ::

Something I always seem to be unable to do.
If something I just can't do or find..
After awhile, I'll simply give up.
It's bad.
But I'm kinda used to it

Busy with fashionisiac
I must concentrate n 专心 there
Dun blame me if I don't post here often.
Coz blogging is starting to put a strain on me,
Beacuse I'm too old or too stressed? I don't know.
You need to think n organise thoughts before reflecting..

Let's just take things one at a time..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

:: getting used ::

to heavy workload
realised i've got assignments and e-assignments not done
simply coz my internet is down
(coz i screwed up my bill payment)
and i'm suffering

i lost my sense of urgency
and in dire need to find it back
like immediately
shall be a hardworking person
no more slacking, shopping and sleeping
(the 3 S word vices)
and do my assignments and projects well
and submitted on time
and completed to my best ability
to love my work!

i need to get used to the new change that has taken place
and treasure the loved ones around me
esp the little P that dotes me
and showers me with endless care
and concern for my everything

i shall in return learn to give back
and care more for him
and be the little boy that treasures him..